Guidance for Cancer Services Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The individual user is responsible for ensuring they are accessing the most current guidance.


Cancer Alliance COVID-19 publications crib sheet, 15th April 2020: CA covid-publications crib sheet 8.4.20

Interim treatment change options during the COVID-19 pandemic, date to be confirmed: Interim-treatment-change-options-during-the-covid19-pandemic-endorsed-by-nhs-england-pdf-

Clinical radiology resources, 9th April 2020:

Specialty guide for endoscopy and Coronavirus, 7th April 2020: C0076 – Specialty guide for endoscopy and coronavirus v1 02April

Management of proton beam therapy, 7th April 2020:

Speciality guides, 6th April 2020:

Infection / prevention control, 5th April 2020:

NIHR Clinical trials guidance, 3rd April 2020:

Maintaining cancer treatment, 30th March 2020: C0119-_Maintaining-cancer-services-_-letter-to-trusts(2)

Reducing the burden / releasing capacity, 28th March 2020: C0113 28 March 2020 Reducing burden and releasing capacity at NHS provid…

Radiotherapy guidelines, 28th March  2020:

Acute treatment of Cancer, 23rd March 2020: specialty-guide-acute-treatment-cancer-23-march-2020

National specialty advice, 20th March 2020:

NICE, 20th March 2020:  covid19-rapid-guideline-delivery-of-systemic-anticancer-treatments-pdf-66141895710661

Primary care guidance, CRUK 16th April 2020: Key safety netting messages during Covid 19 pandemic Final version 9th April 2020

Primary care guidance, CRUK 16th April 2020: NCDA QI Toolkit FINAL

Primary care guidance, CRUK 16th April 2020: Safety netting summary table CRUK March2020

Primary care guidance, CRUK 16th April 2020: Safety netting flow chart CRUK March2020

Primary care guidance, 19th March 2020: Preparedness letter_primary care _19_March_2020

General guidance:

Information for patients

Cancer charity support line QAs v1.2 20200309 UPDATE 20200318

Regional Guidance

Weekly SWAG Clinical Leaders call notes 1.5.20
Weekly SWAG Clinical Leaders call notes 24.4.20
Weekly SWAG Clinical Leaders call notes 17.4.20
Weekly SWAG Clinical Leaders call notes 9.4.20
Weekly SWAG Clinical Leaders call notes 27.3.20
Cancer alliance information on managing cancer referrals 19 March 2020
Harm Review Template Data Sheet
Harm Review Template
Weekly SWAG Clinical Leaders call notes 20.3.20
Elective Surgery guidelines Covid-19 15.5.20 (4)