The Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucestershire (SWAG) Cancer Alliance is made up of four Integrated Care Systems (ICS):
- Gloucestershire ICS
- Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) ICS
- Bath, Swindon, and Wiltshire ICS (note: Swindon is part of the Thames Valley Cancer Alliance)
- Somerset ICS
The regional boundaries are based on patient flows and current working relationships.
The map below shows the areas within the SWAG Cancer Alliance boundaries

The key below shows the locations of the main hospital sites across the region.
SWAG Cancer Alliance geographic area |
1 Gloucestershire ICB
1a Gloucestershire Royal Hospital 1b Cheltenham General Hospital |
2 North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) |
3 University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW)
3a Bristol Royal Infirmary 3b Weston General Hospital |
4 Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust (RUH) |
5 Salisbury Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |
6 Somerset
6a Somerset NHS Foundation Trust 6b Yeovil District Hospital |
The SWAG Cancer Alliance also work in partnership many local, regional and national organisations including:
- NHS England National Cancer Programme
- NHS England SW
- Department of Health and Social Care
- Public Health
- Local Authorities
- National & local charities
- Patient & Carers Groups
- Healthwatch
- Academic organisations (Health Education England (HEE), Academic Health Science Network, Clinical Research Networks and local education providers).
- Clinical Operational Delivery Networks, Forums and other Cancer and non-Cancer Alliances.