We are here to help you on your journey to keep you as fit and healthy as possible before you begin your treatment. We are here to help you to prepare physically mentally and emotionally for their cancer journey and would like to introduce you to the concept of prehabilitation.
We recognise that everyone is different, including their level of health and fitness. This means at the point of cancer diagnosis some individuals will have a high level of fitness, others a low level and most somewhere in between.
- We want to ensure everyone starts their cancer treatment as fit and as healthy as possible
- For those who feel they might benefit from some advice on health and fitness, we provide information that can help you to prepare physically mentally and emotionally for their cancer treatment
We are endeavouring to support you in three key areas to ensure you are in the best of health:
How can prehabilitation help you?
There is unmistakable evidence that prehabilitation helps to improve stamina prior to having treatment and aids recovery. This refers to being prepared both mentally and physically to undergo surgery and other intensive treatments.
With cancer there may be a relatively small timeframe available between diagnosis and the first treatment. Within this time significant progress can be made to enable a major difference to both treatment outcomes and experience.
Being prepared for your treatment will help you in many ways. This can include physical and emotional benefits as well as better outcomes after treatment.

Working with you
Evidence shows that it is important for physical activity, fitness, nutrition and psychology to be a focus before treatment. We know that everyone will have different needs, some requiring specialist support in preparation. Everyone is different and your hospital team will link you in with the right targeted support for you. This webpage is aimed at providing a universal level of information to help you keep well before your treatment.